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Showing posts from April, 2017
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Weaning Worries

Well you would think that 4th time round weaning would be simple well that's not true not with my youngest, she is the most difficult baby ive had with eating and drinking. I have exclusively breastfed now for 7 and a half months and thats not totally by choice. Since my little one has been around 5 months old I have tried her with expressed milk and different brands of formula milk, I have bought so many differnt brands of bottles and none of them have been good enough for the picky little madam that she is already turning into so I decided forget the bottles and try a cup with milk in and like everything else ive tried it was another FAIL. By the time she was 6 months old I decided it was time to start weaning onto food and that has been another disaster. Playing aeroplane or choo choo train just doesnt work with this stubborn baby girl. This is the heartbroken little face I have to contend with at every meal time. However she will happily chomp away on baby carrot crisps...

Toilet Troubles

Help!!! And breath. Funny how since having children I have to remind myself to do that every day. Toilet training with my 3 year old is starting to feel impossible like its never going to end, obviously one day she will stop having accidents and it will just click but i feel like im going round in circles. I think the most annoying thing is that she knows exactly when she needs the toilet but is being lazy, she can be dry all day when we go out but have multiple accidents at home. I dont shout at her when she does it but she even goes to the extremes to hide her soiled knickers so I cant see them which results in me having to scour the whole bedroom at some point in the day to find her stash of wet knickers. This has to be one of my most challenging moments as a parent, I know toilet training isnt always easy but i thought we had cracked this a year ago.


Welcome to my first ever blog and to start with I have to apologise as I have no idea what im doing so learning along the way a bit like being a mum really. First I will indrouduce myself and my not so little family. I am a mother of four beautiful girls aged 11, 5, 3 and 7 months. Im going to share with you the highs and lows of a hectic but very rewarding life as a mum of four. I can imagine there are a lot of mothers (and lets not forget fathers) that can relate to the things im going to say. I look forward to starting my blogger journey with you all.