I now have a youtube channel, link below, check it out and if enjoy don't forget to like and subscribe. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbU09ZQpmIqM83xAtZOdGHQ
Im so pleased to say that we cracked it, within just four days my baby now sleeps without needing do sooth on the breast. After day one and it taking 26 minutes to get her to sleep day two was even better it only took 15 minutes, I decided to leave 5 minute intervals between going in to give her back a little rub to reassure her I was still nearby. Day three was 5 minutes of crying and then she was asleep, I was in shock, I had it in my head the first few days would be sleepless and heartbreaking for hours, but no she has amazed us. We are now on day four and she had a little winge and fell straight to sleep, to be totally honest though as soon as she gets near her sleeping bag and cot a little tantrum starts because she knows whats coming. She still wakes at least once through the night, I give her a little feed and take her straight back to her bed AWAKE this is the important part, for this method to work. Again she will have a little cry for a couple of minutes and then drifts off ...