I really am a very self conscious person so for me this is a huge step, I am one of those people that worries when I walk out the door people will look at that extra bit of weight I've gained recently or the fact I haven't washed my hair for a couple of days and I've cheated with the dry shampoo and think I'm a slob, I know deep down most people aren't as judgemental as the thoughts running through my head say they are but that doesn't change the way I feel. Unfortunately I really haven't had that much choice this time round, it all started just after giving birth to my fourth daughter, hair loss after pregnancy is something I've always had to endure only this time it was different.Ok here goes, as much as I hate having my photo taken I have decided to take one of my terrible after pregnancy hair and share it with the whole world of internet mummy's.
I woke one morning went to the bathroom mirror, brushed my hair and started to pull it back into a pony tail ready for the school run only to notice my hairline starting to recede slightly I was mortified and on further inspection I had two bald patches, nothing major but enough for me to notice. My eyes started to fill, I have always had thick hair and so much of it so I had to hold on to the hope it would grow back. HORMONES though why do they have to wreak havoc on our bodies so much,
Irregular periods, bloating, cramping, greasy hair OMG the list is endless and don't get me wrong I absolutely love being pregnant I mean I have done it four times but who doesn't love having saggy breasts, piles, stretch marks, that flabby baby belly, leaky boobs and hormones flying around so much that one minute you look at your other half and feel overwhelmed with love and emotion for the miracles in life they have given you and then ten minutes later you want to strangle them. Motherhood is a rollercoaster from the day you conceive till, well forever after that I think, because the worrying never ends, you loose your hair after giving birth it grows back and then it either greys or goes bald when they become teenagers and don't come home (I dread those days).
Honestly though they are worth every hair on my head and I couldn't imagine life without them, so don't worry ladies if your suffering hair loss after having a baby it should grow back, it may look silly for a few months after but it will get there just grin and bear it.
Take a look (CRINGE)